Arthur Murray Is the leader in the dance Industry with more than 280 schools around the world since 1912
107 years and Arthur Murray Dancing schools still changing people’s life through dancing.
At Arthur Murray dance studios we provide a social atmosphere where you will meet like-minded people and enjoy dancing with your partner, friends, and teachers. Ballroom & Latin dance lessons are available for everyone. Our dance instructors are passionate and driven to work with their students one-on-one to make sure they achieve all of their dancing goals, whether that be having a bit of fun or competing in Arthur Murray’s worldwide dance competition.
Get started with one of our dedicated professionals today and embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
Getting started is as easy as ever, don’t be the one sitting on the side lines, missing out while others dance the night away around you.
Our studio is a great place that offers a range of dance programs suited for any age and any experience level. Whether you have a special occasion or preparing for your wedding, formal dances or social dances; schedule classes with our dance instructors to impress everybody at your next big event. Ballroom dancing is a fun, exciting way to meet new people, get exercise and stay healthy!