Yuliya Belan – Biography
My name is Yuliya Belan. I was born in Belarus. Studied in Minsk State College University of art, design and technology. Moved in Cyprus, continuing my studying in Frederick university (applied art). Took a part in some group exebitions, won first place award in Kanthos competition. Last year I represented Cyprus in France ( moorland production in Laroqe festival of art).
The frame is a cave.
Frame is a place of safeness and security.
It is a risk to leave the cave / frame and yet is the only possibility to gain knowledge and freedom.
But once we leave the cave / frame we become protagonist, participants, creators and explorers.
No restrictions, such as the boundaries of 4 edges of canvas board. Expanding the fields.
I use the clay, paper, foam pieces garbage, clothes, found objects to bring concepts “to life” as they remain within the visual arts realm.
The possibilities of supplies used in the process are endless, as long as they became artistic expression of the human emotions, like joy, sadness, trust, disgust, fear and anger.
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Όνομα Επιχείρησης: Yuliya Belan ART
Τηλέφωνο: 99019314
Ώρες λειτουργίας: 12:00 – 23:00
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